‘The half minute which we daily devote to the winding-up of our watches is an exertion of labour almost insensible; yet, by the aid of a few wheels, its effect is spread over the whole twenty-four hours.’

Linux Terminal Emulator Features and Hardware Compatibility

Benjamin Slade

In a continuing series of, er, terminal-related posts, a look at some features of a subset of terminal emulators on Linux.

I mainly use vterm inside of Emacs, usually via Equake, but sometimes I do want to spawn a terminal outside of Emacs, and so I’ve been curious about the properties of different terminals, including the ability to be used across a wide range of hardware.

A few weeks ago, I came across Zutty, which describes itself as:

Zutty is a terminal emulator for the X Window System, functionally similar to several other X terminal emulators such as xterm, rxvt and countless others. It is also similar to other, much more modern, GPU-accelerated terminal emulators such as Alacritty and Kitty. What really sets Zutty apart is its radically simple, yet extremely efficient rendering implementation, coupled with a sufficiently complete feature set to make it useful for a wide range of users. Zutty offers high throughput with low latency, and strives to conform to relevant (published or de-facto) standards.

Zutty is written in straightforward C++ and only relies on OpenGL ES 3.1 for rendering…

The Zutty page includes a link to a blog post “A totally biased comparison of Zutty (to some better-known X terminal emulators)", which includes some interesting discussion of features of different terminal emulators, including comparison of VT support levels, and discussion of why this could be important. A number of terminal emulators, perhaps leaning towards “minimalism”, only implement support up to VT220, or even lower, which creates inefficiencies in certain cases:

The difference between implementing a VT400 or VT500 terminal (provided the implementations are correct) is relatively inconsequential. The same cannot be said of the gap between these and VT220-level terminals. Programs running in a less capable virtual terminal must sometimes use longer series of basic escape sequences to achieve the results of a fewer number of more modern ones. For example, the DECLRMM control sequence (set left-right margin mode) is available from the VT420 and up, and will be used to restrict scrolling to the active part of two horizontally split tmux panes. On less capable terminals, tmux is forced to perform more work to achieve the same result. This is quite similar to how extended instructions on modern CPUs allow machine code to be more efficient than code compiled for an older machine. In other words, not implementing a modern VT variant goes directly counter to greater efficiency. And there is yet another downgrade from VT220 to those terminals that only claim to support VT100/VT102.

It is surprising how unambitious the newer terminals Alacritty and Kitty are in this regard. I would have hoped that new, supposedly state-of-the-art entrants would take the effort to add support for modern VT standards. Switching from xterm to Alacritty (or any other modern terminal) should not be a major downgrade.

Inspired by this, I copy/supplement the table on that page with some additional comparison information, and a few additional terminal emulators. As per the Zutty post, I use VTTEST (originally written in 1983-1985 by Per Lindberg at the Stockholm University Computing Center; in 1996 a new version written by Thomas E. Dickey, the maintainer of xterm). to check for reported VT support level. The below table includes also whether the terminal emulator is GPU-accelerated or not, and what the mininum OpenGL hardware support is, as well as what display server is targeted (X11 or Wayland or both).

program tested version VT self-id GPU-accel minimum OpenGL DS
gnome-terminal 3.30.2 VT525 no? n/a both
zutty 0.6 VT520 yes ES 3.1 X11
terminology 1.12.1 VT510 when possible n/a X11
wezterm 20220624 VT500 yes 3.3 (?) both
xterm 344 VT420 no n/a X11
kitty 0.19.3 VT220 yes 3.3 both
foot 1.12.1 VT220 no n/a wayland
alacritty 0.4.3 VT102 yes 3.3 both
st 0.8.2 VT102 no n/a X11
urxt v9.22 VT102 no n/a X11
(lib)vterm 0.1.4 VT100/VT102 n/a n/a n/a

Foot is another interesting new terminal emulator - targetting Wayland only, and not GPU-accelerated, but with some design choices that make it faster than GPU-accelerated terminal emulators in some cases, as described in the wiki “When is foot fast, and when is it not?". One of the things it does is “damage tracking”, i.e. only rendering cells that have been updated, whereas e.g. alacritty rerenders everything (though, as noted, “Alacritty renders empty cells really fast”). But foot only supports up to VT220.

The terminal emulator I end up using most is based on libvterm, this is the library underlying Emacs’ vterm, and claims to “implement[] a VT220 or xterm-like terminal emulator”, but VTTEST seems to report as VT102/VT100, at least inside of Emacs.

There’s no clear “best choice” here, even putting vterm aside (vterm isn’t particularly fast, at least inside of Emacs (though it’s faster than other Emacs terminal emulator choices like ansi-term), doesn’t have “very high” VT support; but it runs inside in Emacs, which offers me a lot of advantages). Though alacritty, st, and urxvt implement only up to VT102 level features.

Foot, Zutty, Kitty, and Alacritty are all fast, at least sometimes (the Zutty biased comparison post above offers some additional discussion on this, not including foot). They’re all limited in various ways (hardware or display server - though Zutty apparently has experimental support for software rendering), with only Zutty having “very high” VT support. (And Zutty has some bells-and-whistles limitations: no plans for transparency support, ligatures, bitmap images (e.g. SIXEL).)

Foot runs on pretty much any hardware and has some nice features, but is Wayland only (and limited in VT level support).

Kitty and Alacritty require OpenGL 3.3 (on Intel hardware, this means at least Intel HD Graphics 3000 (so 2011-era **20 ThinkPads or later)).

Zutty “runs on a wider range of graphics hardware by virtue of only requiring OpenGL ES as opposed to “desktop” OpenGL, and its resource demands are otherwise minimal”, but it requires ES 3.1, which isn’t supported by, for instance, Intel HD Graphics 3000.

Terminology, a terminal emulator which doesn’t seem to get talked about as much, actually turns out to be a good choice across different hardware. It can use GPU-acceleration, rendering using OpenGL or OpenGL-ES2, but this is not a hard requirement. It offers VT510 level support, and has lots of bells and whistles. I haven’t seen many speed test comparisons with it, but in use it feels fast. (No native Wayland support though, if that matters to you.)

[Edit: Added Wezterm (another one written in Rust) which I haven’t really had a chance to play with much, but it has good VT feature levels. It seems to have the same OpenGL requirements as Kitty or Alacritty.]

Still, I’m likely to be mainly using vterm and eshell. Because Emacs.

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